
Lingke Plastic

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The lack of core technology seriously affect the development of China's presses industry

Soruce:LinkeDate:2016/12/27 16:23:07

In recent years, China's plastic machinery industry in the annual growth rate of about 30%, China's machinery industry is one of the fastest growing industries. However, according to incomplete estimates, not the export of China-made presses, the Chinese presses each year there are still billions of market gaps. Is the production of China presses insufficient? In fact, a large number of low-precision small injection molding machine, extruder, blow molding machine due to sales difficulties and price war, is already an indisputable fact. Why, then, will there be a market gap of $ 10 billion? The expert analysis, the core issue or technology.

Statistics show that China's annual imports of tens of thousands of sets of presses, precision injection molding machine equipment unit price is usually higher than domestic products several times or even ten times. Due to the efficiency, precision and stability of the domestic presses, it is almost impossible to compete with imported products from Japan and Europe. The large, high-speed, precision and specialized equipment fields occupy almost all of the imported goods. At the same time, due to factors such as the market, in 2005 China's production of plastic machine negative growth, down 5.39% over the previous year.

This shows that foreign manufacturers of advanced presses in the technology has obvious competitive advantage, and the lack of technology is seriously affecting the development of China's presses industry. In some of China's presses, imported equipment dominates, such as China's heat-resistant PET bottles production equipment, CD-ROM production equipment, high-end cars in the plastic cover pieces of equipment, precision electronic components production equipment and precision ceramic components for ceramic injection molding Machine and the production of neodymium boron electronic components of the magnetic injection molding machine, almost all of the imported equipment. In addition, high-grade film or special engineering plastic products production equipment, but also import the production line of the world.

Industry experts predict that the future of China press market, high-tech content, energy saving, environmental protection, large-scale, all-electronic, composite and special presses will have better prospects, high-end brand presses will be widely recognized by the market. Some domestic enterprises have also tasted the sweetness of improving the technological content.

Mr. Yang believes that last year the plastic processing industry due to high prices of raw materials and the overall increase in the decline in demand for presses to reduce, but the company's sales are still steadily, by the company's technical content High product. High-value-added presses has become the user of choice, press manufacturers to make early technological transformation of existing products, technology upgrades, to withstand the plastic machine market may encounter unexpected.

The number of imported presses in China is growing at the same time, domestic plastic machine exports are also continuing to improve. According to Quanzhou Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, a staff member, 2005 is the fastest growing domestic export of injection molding machine year, some manufacturers accounted for 20% of total exports -30%, but the total export value of less than the total value of imports 10%, and most of China's exports of products into the developing countries. Of course, these developing countries in their low-end injection molding industry, also need to have such advantages as China's cost advantages of injection molding machine products, but with its domestic or peripheral areas of the development of injection molding machine industry, China's export advantage soon Will disappear. Therefore, the Chinese press industry or to use technology to improve product quality.

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